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HTML Codes
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| Web Site Development | HTML Codes | HTML Tips | Web Design TipsJavascript Snippets | 216 Safe Colors | Symbols | CSS Tutorial | JavaScript Tutorial |

How to Code in HTML

In this section, you will find a free HTML lesson that will teach you basic html. You will learn the basics of how to code in HTML, exactly what HTML code is, how to write it and see several examples.

If you'd like to learn how to create a web page, taking the time to learn how to code in HTML (hypertext markup language) will not only provide you with the freedom to update your own web pages, but it will also save you some money, as you will be able to avoid hiring a professional web designer.

What is HTML Code?

A web page is created using a language called, Hypertext Markup Language, better known as HTML Code. You can write your own coding within a plain text editor, such as Note Pad, or use an HTML editor, which will write the code for you.

HTML codes, also referred to as HTML tags, are enclosed by the lesser than (<) and greater than (>) brackets and may be written in capital or lower case letters.

The opening bracket is followed by an element, which is a browser command, and ends with the closing bracket.

<font size=2>

An element may also be followed by attributes, which are words describing the properties of the element, and further instruct the browser.

<font size=2>

Attributes are only contained in the opening HTML tags to the right of the element and are separated by a space and followed by an equal (=) sign.

The value follows the equal sign and is enclosed in quotes.

<font size=2>


Basic HTML Document

Begin writing your HTML tags by creating your document's basic layout.




Browser View
<html> Begins your HTML document.
<head> Contains information about the page such as the TITLE, META tags for proper Search Engine indexing, STYLE tags, which determine the page layout, and JavaScript coding for special effects.
<title> The TITLE of your page </title> Your title should contain the page's most relevant keyword phrase, which are words that best describe your web page. It will also be displayed within the search results of the search engines.
</head> Closes the head section.
The area between the opening and closing body tags will contain everything that will be visible through a web browser, such as text and graphics. All of the information will be HTML coded.
</html> Closes the <html> tag.






<b>text</b> Specifies bold text

<i>text</i> Specifies italic text

<tt>text</tt> Specifies teletype (typewriter) text

<cite>text</cite> Specifies a citation that normally displays as italic.

<em>text</em> Emphasizes a word that normally displays as italic.

<strong>text</strong> Emphasizes a word that normally displays as bold.

<font>text</font> Specifies font for a specific area of text.





Browser View


<p>This is an example of text being displayed within a paragraph tags. When you place a paragraph within the paragraph tags, a space will automatically be placed between the paragraphs. </p>
<p>This is an example of text being displayed within a paragraph tags. When you place a paragraph within the paragraph tags, a space will automatically be placed between the paragraphs. </p>

Specifies a paragraph.

This is an example of text being displayed within a paragraph tags. When you place a paragraph within the paragraph tags, a space will automatically be placed between the paragraphs.

This is an example of text being displayed within a paragraph tags. When you place a paragraph within the paragraph tags, a space will automatically be placed between the paragraphs.


This is an example of<br>
text being displayed with various<br>
line breaks. The text will<br>
break to the next line each time the <br>
tag is used.

Specifies a line break.

This is an example of
text being displayed with various
line breaks. The text will
break to the next line each time the break tag is used.


<blockquote>This is an example of text being displayed within the blockquote tags. The text is indented on both the left and the right sides.</blockquote>

Indents a block of text from both sides.

This is an example of text being displayed within the blockquote tags. The text is indented on both the left and the right sides.
<h1>heading 1 Text</h1>

<h2>heading 2 Text</h2>

<h3>heading 3 Text</h3>

<h4>heading 4 Text</h4>

<h5>heading 5 Text</h5>

<h6>heading 6 Text</h6>

Specifies a heading.


This is an example of displaying text 
within the  <pre> tags. Text will 
display exactly as it looks between 
the tags without adding any break or 
paragraph tags. 

This is a great tag to use with a form 
to enable the form to display properly 
without placing it within a table.

Specifies preformatted text.

This is an example of displaying text 
within the <pre> tags. Text will 
display exactly as it looks between 
the tags without adding any break or 
paragraph tags. 

This is a great tag to use with a form 
to enable the form to display properly 
without placing it within a table.
<hr />

Inserts a horizontal rule.




Browser View
<a href="">Linked Text </a> Linked Text
<a href="">Email Link </a> Email Link
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<a name="NAME"></a> Specifies a target location within a web page. The target location is located below. You won't see anything. However, when you click on the link below, you will be taken to it.

<a href="#NAME">Text</a> Link leading to the target location with the same web page.

Text Link leading to the target location within the same web page.





<img src="" alt="Alternate Text" height="41" width="41">

Browser View

Alternate Text


Unordered list



  <li>List Item</li>
  <li>List Item</li>
  <li>List Item</li>

Browser View

  • List Item
  • List Item
  • List Item


Ordered list



  <li>First List Item</li>
  <li>Second List Item</li>
  <li>Third List Item</li>

Browser View

  1. First List Item
  2. Second List Item
  3. Third List Item


Definition list



  <dt>First List Item</dt>
    <dd>First List Item Description</dd>
  <dt>Second List Item</dt>
    <dd>Second List Item Description</dd>
  <dt>Third List Item</dt>
    <dd>Third List Item Description</dd>

Browser View

First List Item
First List Item Description
Second List Item
Second List Item Description
Third List Item
Third List Item Description





<table width="300" border="1">
    <th>Table Header</th>
    <th>Table Header</th>
    <td>Table Data</td>
    <td>Table Data</td>
    <td>Table Data</td>
    <td>Table Data</td>

Browser View






Browser View
<form method=post action="/cgi-bin/example.cgi"> Specifies a form, which will require the use of a form processing script that resides on a web server.
<input type="text" size="10" maxlength="30">
<textarea name="comments" rows="6" cols="20"></textarea>
<input type="radio" name="option1"> Option 1
<input type="radio" name="option2" checked> Option 2
<input type="radio" name="option3"> Option 3
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
<input type="checkbox" name="selection1"> Selection 1
<input type="checkbox" name="selection2" checked> Selection 2
<input type="checkbox" name="selection3"> Selection 3
Selection 1 Selection 2 Selection 3
   <option>option 1</option>
   <option selected>option 2</option>
   <option>option 3</option>
   <option>option 4</option>
   <option>option 5</option>
   <option>option 6</option>
<input type="password">
<input type="Submit" value="Submit">
<input type="reset">
<input type="hidden"> Nothing will display.


Specifies the end of a form.


If you're looking for additional examples of coding in HTML for just about every part of your web page, visit the HTML Codes Chart section.


Note: All of the HTML codes and tutorials are by Shelley Lowery. For additional tutorials to assist you in web design and much more, click here to sign up for our free membership club. You will instantly receive a wealth of quality information, such as dozens of video tutorials, several informative ebooks, utilities to assist you in creating buttons, tables, meta tags, and more. Best of all, it's completely free.


Web Design Information:

Web Development
HTML Codes
Web Design Tips
Javascript Snippets
216 Safe Colors

Web Design Articles:

Selecting a Quality Domain Name
Selecting the Best Web Design Language for Your Project
Bring Your Web Site to Life With PHP
The Birth of a Professional Web Site (10 part series)
Increase Your Traffic by Recovering Your Lost Visitors
Using HTML Tables to Format Your Web Page
HTML Forms -- Back to the Basics and Beyond Part One - Basic Forms Tutorial
HTML Forms -- Back to the Basics and Beyond Part Two -  Advanced Forms
HTML Forms -- Back to the Basics and Beyond Part Three - Form Tips & Tricks
35 Deadly Web Site Sins that will Kill Your Business!
Selecting A Quality Web Host
Mini-Sites -- Highly Targeted Sales Generators
Spice Up Your Web Site with JavaScript
Use CGI to Automate Your Web Site
Give Your Graphics A Professional Look without the Price
Use JavaScript to Dynamically Update Your Website
10 Website Essentials to Increase Your Sales
Is Your Domain Name A Trademark Infringement?
Steps to Optimizing Your HTML Codes
The Secrets to Building a Successful Website
